Department of Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching
Head of the Department: Viktor Zinoviiovych Chornyi
Senior Laboratory Assistant: Natalia Ivanivna Vovchuk
Address: 10, V.Vynnychenka St., Ternopil, office №401
Department staff
- Dmytro Ilkovych Bodnar, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
- Ivan Mykolaiovych Hrod, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
Associate professors:
- Myron Ivanovych Hromiak, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
- Volodymyr Andriiovych Lototskyi, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
- Vasyl Danylovych Halan, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
- Vasyl Rosteslavovych Kravchuk, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
- Viktor Zinoviiovych Chornyi, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
- Larysa Hryhorivna Khokhlova, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
- Roman Ihorovych Kachurivskyi, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences;
- Anna Volodymyrivna Homeniuk, PhD in Pedagogic Sciences.
- Taras Mykolaiovych Stadnik.
History of the Department
The Department was established on September 1, 2013 as a result of the merging of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and the Department of Mathematics and Methods of Its Teaching.
The Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was established at the Kremenets Teacher’s Institute in 1940. At that time there was a Department of Physics and Mathematics, headed by Associate Professor Kikets Yu.O. In 1950, the Institute was reorganized as a Pedagogical one and the Department of Higher Mathematics was created, headed by Associate Professor Kikets Yu.O., and by Associate Professor Kasianenko M.D. since 1968.
In 1969, after the institute was relocated from Kremenets to Ternopil, the Department of Higher Mathematics was divided into the Department of Mathematical Analysis, headed by Associate Professor Halitsyn A.S. and the Department of Mathematics and Methods of Its Teaching, headed by Malaniuk M.P.
The Heads of the Department of Mathematics and Methods of Its Teaching were Associate Professor Malaniuk M.P., Associate Professor Yanchenko H.M., Associate Professor Hapiuk Ya.F., Associate Professor Tadeiev V.A., Associate Professor Pidruchna M.V. The lecturers, who at different times worked at the Department, were PhDs in Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professors Hapiuk Ya.F., Pidruchna M.V., Yanchenko H.M., Volchasta M.M., Kyryletskyi I.M.; PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Tadeiev V.O.; PhDs in Physical and Mathematical Sciences Halan V.D., Kravchuk V.P.; Assistants Rusina L.V., Makhovyk O.V., Kovalchuk O.R.
The Department of Mathematical Analysis was established in 1973 on the basis of the Department of Mathematics. The first Head of the Department was Lomakovych A.M, PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. Later the Heads of the department were Associate Professors Halan D.M., Habrusiev V.G., Professor Khoma H.P. and Associate Professor Lototskyi V.A. Among the workers of the Department of Mathematical Analysis were Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Khoma H.P.; PhDs in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professors Lomakovych A.M., Horbaichuk V.Y.; PhDs in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professors Halan D.M., Habrusiev V.H., Taliush M.A., Habrel O.M., Lototskyi V.A., Chornyi V.Z., Hromiak M.I., Khokhlova L.H., PhD in Pedagogic Sciences, Lecturer Didyk H.V., PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lecturer Kachurivskyi R.I., Assistant Stadnik T.M.
On September 1, 2013, as a result of the merging of the two departments, the Department of Mathematics and Its Teaching Techniques was created, headed by PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Lototskyi V.A., PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Chornyi V.Z. has been the Head of the department since 2014.
Areas of scientific work of the Department
1. Function theory and functional analysis (Lototskyi V.A.).
2. Equation of mathematical physics (Hromiak M.I., Khokhlova L.H.).
3. Numerical analytical investigation methods of solutions of boundary value problems (Chornyi V.Z., Khokhlova L.H.).
4. Applied aspects of mathematical analysis (Lototskyi V.A., Stadnyk T.M.).
5. Periodic and asymptotic-periodic solutions of differential-functional equations systems of neutral type and their properties (Hromiak M.I., Chornyi V.Z., Kachurivskyi R.I.).
6. Approximation of functions by polynomials (Kravchuk V.R., Halan V.R.).
7. Methodical bases of competence approach realization in teaching algebra in primary school (Homeniuk H.V.).
8. Ordinary differential equations and the theory of oscillations (Hrod I.M.).
9. Analytical theory of continued fractions (Bodnar D.I.).
The Department of Mathematics and Methods of Its Teaching cooperate with the leading scientific and educational institutions of our country:
- Institute of Mathematics National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine
- Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics NAS of Ukraine.
- Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of NAS of Ukraine.
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
- The National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.
- Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
- Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University.
- Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University.
- Ternopil National Economic University.
- Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University.
- Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University.