Science Department
Contact number (0352) 43-57-97

The research organization and conduction at the university are based on the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine "On Education," "On Higher Education," "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities," etc.
University scientific work is carried out in the following areas:
- conducting basic and applied researches in order to obtain new knowledge in various fields, applying them in theoretical as well as practical activities;
- training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of the highest qualification through postgraduate and doctoral studies;
- scientific-advisory, organizational-methodical and information-analytical support of the scientific performance;
- scientific and expert work;
- conducting of communication related events;
- publishing activity;
- international scientific cooperation.
The implementation of the university scientific activities is carried out according to the following principles:
- active participation in the formation and implementation of scientific policy;
- developmental balance of managerial and production potential, basic and applied studies;
- developmental unity of the research system along with the economic, social and spiritual growth of society;
- implementation of scientific achievements in practice;
- use of contemporary research methods and information technology tools;
- integration into the worldwide scientific space.
The main educational and scientific divisions of the university are faculties, institutes, departments and research laboratories which provide the educational process in the relevant specialties, disciplines, courses as well as research.
Coordination, organizational-methodical, advisory and scientific-expert support of scientific university functioning is carried out by the administration, Science Department, departments of postgraduate and doctoral studies; intellectual property, international relations, scientific library, research division, in particular, on organization of fundamental and applied research which are financed from the state budget.
Employees of the department

Head of the Science Department
Nataliia KORMYLO

Secretary of the Science DepartmentCopy editor of Scientific Bulletin
Leading Specialist
Zhanna BOIKO
Project ManagerYuliia KOSTIUK
е-mail: yuliia. kostiuk @ tnpu . edu . ua
Leading Specialist in Science and Technical InformationOksana HORYN