Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching English 

Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching English

Head of the Department: 

Iryna Pavlivna Zadorozhna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Address: 2 Kryvonis St., room № 80 (3rd floor), 

Ternopil, 46027, Ukraine


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The Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching English graduates students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and provides educational process for specialty 014 Secondary education (Language and literature (English)), 035 Philology. Germanic languages and literature (translation included), English as a first foreign language (English language and literature).

The Department staff provides teaching of disciplines in the fields of linguistics, literary studies and methods of teaching foreign languages at bachelor’s and master’s levels of higher education:

  • Practical English Course;
  • English as a Second Foreign Language Course;
  • Practical English Grammar and Phonetics;
  • Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages;
  • Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages in Higher Education Institutes;
  • History of England; 
  • History of the English Language; 
  • English Lexicology; 
  • Theoretical English Grammar and Phonetics;
  • English Stylistics; 
  • Country Studies; 
  • English Literature;
  • Theory and Practice of Translation;
  • Methodology of Scientific Research;
  • Theoretical and Practical Problems of Modern Linguistics;
  • Computer Linguistics;
  • Text Interpretation; 
  • Contrastive Typology of Ukrainian and English; 
  • Academically and Professionally Oriented Communication in English;
  • number of disciplines of free choice of students.

The Department staff guides:

  • pedagogical and scientific practice of students;
  • term papers, bachelor’s and master’s works of students.

The staff of the Department provides teaching of a number of professional disciplines for postgraduate students of the specialties 014 Secondary education and 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences.

Within the core disciplines, electronic multimedia systems in Moodle have been developed and implemented in the educational process, which make it possible to study remotely.

There is a postgraduate study at the Department in specialty 13.00.02 “Theory and methodology of teaching (Germanic languages)”, 011 (Educational, pedagogical sciences, specialization – theory and methodology of teaching (Germanic languages)), 014 (Secondary education, specialization – theory and methodology of teaching) (Germanic languages).

Teachers and postgraduate students work on implementation of the research work “Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages in Educational Institutions of Different Types” (state registration number 0118U003128, scientific supervisor – Doctor of Science, Prof. Zadorozhna I.P.).

Teachers of the Department carry out scientific researches in philological and methodological directions, the results of which they present at international conferences, publish their scientific achievements in professional journals of Ukraine and abroad, including those of Scopus and Web of Science international databases.  

The Department operates a research laboratory “Intercultural English Communication: Linguistic Methodological Studies”, the main scientific areas of which are the study of linguistic and methodological aspects of intercultural and cross-cultural communication within the English discourse.

The Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching English on the basis of cooperation agreements, and on the basis of general University agreements, carries out international cooperation through scientific and creative cooperation with foreign educational institutions.

The lecturers of the Department undergo internships abroad (US, Poland), and participate in practical seminars abroad (Croatia, Austria).

Project “School Teacher of the New Generation”, launched by the British Council with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, is being implemented at the Department. The project involves students of 2nd and 3d courses of the Faculty, teachers-mentors of Ternopil schools and teachers of the Department.

The Department is a participant of IREX's Study and Distinguish: Info-Media Literacy project.

Prof. Zadorozhna I.P. and Assoc. Prof. Datskiv O.P. are participants of the Erasmus+ project: HECB (Higher Education Capacity Building) “Foreign Language Teacher Training Capacity Development as a Way to Ukraine's Multilingual Education and European Integration”.

The Department of English Philology and Methods of Teaching English is working with the US Peace Corps.

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