Department of General Linguistics and Slavic Languages
Head of the Department:
Halyna Vasylivna Bachynska,
PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Dispatcher: Oksana Stepanivna Verbovetska
History of the Department
The Department of General Linguistics and Slavic Languages was established in 2014 in the result of reorganization of the departments at the Faculty of Philology and Journalism. Academic staff was formed in the result of alliance of the Department of the Ukrainian Language and the Department of the Russian Language and Literature. It has united specialists in the spheres of contemporary and historical Ukrainian linguistics, general and modern Ukrainian and Polish languages.
The Department of Ukrainian and General Linguistics was established in 1993 in the result of the division of the Department of the Ukrainian Language.
Soon, in 1997, the Department of Native Language of the Faculty of Preparation of Primary School Teachers and the Department of the Ukrainian Language of the Faculty of Philology separated from the Department of Ukrainian and General Linguistics in 1997 and 1998 respectively.
Famous Ukrainian researcher, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Dmytro Buchko (1937 – 2014) had been the first Head of the Department of Ukrainian and General Linguistics from the first days of its establishment till his death.
Nowadays, the staff of the Department of General Linguistics and Slavic Languages includes:
Vilchynska T.P., Doctor of Philological Sciences
Associate Professors:
Iryna Babii, PhD in Philological Sciences
Halyna Bachynska, PhD in Philological Sciences
Volodymyr Buda, PhD in Philological Sciences
Mariia Zaoborna, PhD in Philological Sciences
Halyna Panchuk, PhD in Philological Sciences
Nina Svystun, PhD in Philological Sciences
Oksana Verbovetska, PhD in Philological Sciences
Nataliia Lobas, PhD in Philological Sciences
The Department provides teaching of such disciplines: “Modern Ukrainian Literary Language (lexicology, lexicography, phraseology, phonology, phonetics, graphics, orthography, orthoepy, morphemics and word formation, morphology)” , “Introduction to Linguistics”, “General Linguistics”, “Introduction to Slavic Philology”, “Comparative Grammar of Slavic Languages”, “The Old Slavic Language”, “Historical Grammar of the Ukrainian Language”, “The Modern Polish Language”, “The Second Foreign Language (Polish)”, “Slavic Languages (Polish)”, “The Second Slavic Language (Polish)”, “Literature Onomastics”, “Linguistic Pragmatics”, “Linguistic Genology”, “Computer Linguistics”, “Regional Onomastics”, “Fundamentals of Cognitive Science”, “Discussion and Polemics as the Art of Controversy”, “Neology and Neography”, “Perspectives of Ukrainian Onomastics Development”, “Dynamics of Regional Nouns” etc.
Among the scientific and research interests of the Department lecturers are relevant issues and problems of modern linguistics. Their scientific activity is aimed at fulfilling the collective theme: “Relevant Issues of Modern Lexicology (Onomastics), Derivatology and Grammar”, which defines the following research problems:
1) Onomastics of West-Ukrainian Region, (Associate Professors: Pancuk H., Bachynska H., Svystun N., Verbovetska O.);
2) Grammar of the Ukrainian Language (Professor Vilchynska T., Associate Professors Babii I., Zaoborna M.);
3) Linguistics of the Text (Professor Vilchynska T., Associate Professor Babii I.)
4) Cognitive Linguistics (Professor Vilchynska T.);
5) Neology and Neography (Associate Professor Babii I.).
Polonistics is represented by researches of Associate Professor Lobas N.
Western Onomastic Center named after Vasyl Simovych functions at the Department. It coordinates research work in the field of Ukrainian onomastics. Teachers and students of the Department collect onym materials and systemize it, in order to compile onym dictionaries. The Onomastics Center initiates the holding of onomastic seminars and scientific conferences at TNPU.
The Department lecturers are also co-authors and authors of monographs, dictionaries, methodological manuals, which are intended not only for general education institutions of various types, but also for higher education establishments in the conditions of introduction of a module-rating system of knowledge assessment.
The members of the Department take part in Ukrainian and foreign scientific and practical conferences, congresses and seminars.
Annually the Department publishes the digest “Scientific Notes of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Series: Linguistics”, which is included in the list of professional editions of Ukraine.
The Department lecturers oppose PhD’s dissertations, regularly prepare reviews about the abstracts of the dissertations submitted to the defense for the PhD and Doctoral degrees. A postgraduate course was opened at the Department, where 20 people have already completed their studies.
The lecturers are actively involved in the development and implementation of innovative educational technologies, including scientific and methodological trends of the University. The members of the Department have developed e-learning courses in MOODLE system. All Department disciplines are prepared for distance learning.
Collaboration with teachers and methodologists of the western region is established: joint meetings of the Department with secondary schools and pedagogical colleges methodological councils are held. The Department cooperates with Small Academy of Sciences, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Institute of Further Teacher Training and Center for Pre-University Training.
The lecturers of the Department are members of the jury of city and regional school competitions in the Ukrainian language and literature, Contest of the Ukrainian Language Experts named after Petro Yatsyk. They are active career advisors.
The main directions of organization of students’ educational and research activities are writing course works, bachelor’s, master’s theses and other kinds of scientific works. Their subject is closely related to the scientific interests of the Department lecturers, including participation in problem-solving groups.
The Department staff includes experienced educators and well known scholars in the field of Ukrainian linguistics and Polish studies.