Department of the Ukrainian Language and Methods of Its Teaching
Department Staff
Liubov Vasylivna Struhanets, Doctor of Philological Sciences
Eleonora Yaroslavivna Palychata, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professors:
Petryshyna O.I., PhD in Philological Sciences
Shton O.P., PhD in Philological Sciences
Holovata K.M., PhD in Philological Sciences
Mykolenko T.M., PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Diduk-Stupiak H.I., PhD in Philological Sciences
Pihur M.P., PhD in Philological Sciences
Nalyvaiko M.Ya., PhD in Philological Sciences
Struhanets Yu.B., PhD in Philological Sciences
Kryskiv M.I., PhD in Pedagogical Sciences
Kost I.Ya.
Shapovalova H.V.
Senior laboratory assistant:
Kotovych H.V.
1st category engineer:
Zakharuk L.B.
The Department of Philological Discipline was established at Ternopil Pedagogical Institute in 1980. In 1982 the Department of the Ukrainian Language and the Department of the Russian Language were established. In 1993 the Department of the Ukrainian Language was reorganized into the Department of the Ukrainian Language and General Linguistics and the Department of Teaching Methods of the Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture.
Melnychaiko V.Ya., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor had been the Head of the Department of Teaching Methods of the Ukrainian Language and Speech Culture during 1981 – 2003. Later Heads of the Department were Struhanets K.V., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor (2003 – 2019), Petryshyna O.I., PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, (2020 – present day). In 2014 the Department was renamed to the Department of the Ukrainian Language and Methods of Its Teaching.
The teaching staff of the Department provides teaching of the following disciplines: “Practice of the Ukrainian Language”, “History of the Ukrainian Literary Language”, “Ukrainian Dialectology”, “Methods of Teaching the Ukrainian Language”, “Stylistics”, “Culture of the Ukrainian Language”, “Rhetoric, Linguistic Analysis of Artistic Text”, “Methods of Teaching the Ukrainian Language in High School”, “Methodology and Organization of Scientific Research”, “The Ukrainian Language (by Professional Direction)”, Selective Disciplines of Linguistic Direction.
The lecturers are interested in modern technologies of increasing Ukrainian language teaching in educational institutions of different levels, including, an interaction of different ways of learning the Ukrainian language in a primary school; systematic categorical and pragmatic presentation of public Ukrainian-language activity of the stylistic and cultural and linguistic parameters in contemporary interdisciplinary discourse; issues of modern anthroponymy, Ukrainian dialect vocabulary, sociolinguistics, linguopragmatics, etc.
Scientific activity of the Department staff is directly related to fulfilling the list of research topics, including «Lexical Identity of the National Language: Balance of Owned and Borrowed» (Head – Professor Struhanets L.V.); «Modern Technologies of Increasing Ukrainian Language Teaching in Educational Institutions of Different Levels» (Head – Associate Professor Diduk-Stupiak H.I.). Research laboratory “Stylistics and Culture of Language in the Modern Scientific Paradigm” functions at the Department (Head – Professor Struhanets L.V.).
The Department lecturers are active participants of international, all-Ukrainian and regional scientific conferences. They annually take part in work of philological commission of Ternopil Regional Center of Scientific Society named after Taras Shevchenko. An extended Plenum of Scientific Boards of National Academy (NAS) of Sciences of Ukraine on relevant language issues (2018) was held due to the initiative of Professor Struhanets L.V.
The results of teaching and research work of the Department lecturers are included in single and collective monographs, textbooks, methodical recommendations, numerous articles in professional journals, publications indexed by scientific index databases, Scopus, Index Copernicus etc.
The Department has postgraduate courses: 13.00.02 – Theory and Methodology of Teaching (the Ukrainian Language); 10.02.01 – The Ukrainian Language.
An international school training “Ukrainian Studios” is held every year.
The Department cooperates with academician institutes (Institute of the Ukrainian Language of NAS of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Language and Information Foundation of NAS of Ukraine), international partner-institutes: Angel Kanchev University of Ruse (Department of Bulgarian Language, Literature and Art Studies), Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Department of Ukrainian Studies in Institute of Russian and Ukrainian Philology), Masaryk University in Brno (Institute of Slavic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy).