Military Mobilization Unit 

Військово-мобілізаційний підрозділ

The Military Mobilization Unit is responsible for organizing mobilization training and preparedness activities, maintaining personal military records of conscripts, reservists, and those subject to military service. It also oversees the reservation of personnel assigned to the university during mobilization and wartime, ensuring compliance with these processes across all university departments.Additionally, the unit monitors adherence to military registration regulations by conscripts, reservists, and university officials in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, including:
  • The Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Preparation and Mobilization"
  • The Law of Ukraine "On Military Duty and Military Service"

The procedures for organizing and maintaining military records of conscripts, reservists, and those subject to military service are governed by Resolution No. 1487 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, dated December 30, 2022.
Staff of the Military Mobilization Unit:
  • Maria Leonivna Papai – Head of the Unit
  • Inna Yaroslavivna Dyakiv – Senior Specialist
  • Yuliia Mykhailivna Pniova – Senior Specialist.
Tel: +38(098) 416-65-93 Tel: +38(0352) 53-39-58
Hot line
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