Academic Secretary
Halyna Drapak

Position: Academic Secretary, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages
Academic Degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
Academic Researcher Profiles: ORCID
Education and Background:
Halyna Drapak graduated with honors from the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, specializing in “Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education. Language and Literature (English)”, with qualifications as a teacher of English, German, and world literature (2005).
She pursued postgraduate studies at the Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at TNPU. In 2015, she defended her dissertation titled “Reader`s Identity: From Text to Hypertext”, under the supervision of Prof. M. M. Shymchyshyn at Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, specializing in literary theory (10.01.06).
Since 2005, has been a faculty member of the Department of Foreign Languages at TNPU.
Professional Development
- Completed a professional development program at West Finland College, Huittinen, Finland. Topic: “The Educational System of Finland” (February 3–7, 2020).
- Internship at Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University, Department of English Practice (September 15–October 31, 2022).
- Participated in the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training at Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey (December 11–17, 2022).
Research Interests
Methods of teaching English, intercultural communication, literary theory, comparative literature.
Duties as Academic Secretary:
- Organizes and prepares meetings of the Academic Council.
- Prepares work plans for the Academic Council, monitors their implementation, and ensures execution of decisions made by the Council.
- Records minutes of Academic Council meetings and oversees the preparation and dissemination of decisions.
- Prepares and distributes extracts from the minutes and decisions of the Academic Council.
- Manages personal attestation cases related to academic title conferment.
- Handles record-keeping for the Academic Council, including the preservation of records per the approved document nomenclature.
- Coordinates the timely and accurate distribution of directives, orders, service correspondence, and specialized documentation related to the activities of the Academic Council.
- Receives and verifies documents submitted by applicants for vacant university positions, ensuring compliance with established standards and qualification requirements, including documents following prior departmental and faculty discussions of candidates.