On June 19, 2017 Knowledge Dissemination Workshop “Introduction of phytotecnology for cleaning military sites with using Miscanthus x giganteus“ was held at Volodymur Gnatuk, National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine. Faculty members, Master and PhD students as well as researchers of the scientific university laboratories participated in the event. Altogether 38 participants attended the workshop. The event had a goal to overview the project and developing technology for the broader auditorium in order to attract attention and to encourage future application across the region; which has a good agricultural potential for production of miscanthus and number of former military contaminated sites.
Vice-Rector of the university prof. Bogdan Buyak and Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology prof.Nataliya Drobyk welcome the participants. Prof. Pidlisnyuk, NPD and assoc. prof. Stefanovska, PPD delivered presentations about the phytotecnology with biomass production. The followed brainstorming permitted to discuss the ways for improving the quality and quantity of miscanthus biomass and to find potential new end-users of the phytotechnology across the region. The event encouraged young researchers, PhD and Master students to participate in the research&outreach competition at UJEP and will stimulate bilateral cooperation.
Special thanks to Dr.Andrji Herz for organizational support.
Хіміко-біологічний факультет дякує усім хто брав участь у воркшопі з поширення знань “Ознайомлення з фітотехнологією вирощування біомаси Міскантусу гіганського на землях, забруднених та порушених внаслідок військової діяльності” (Introduction of phytotecnology for cleaning military sites with using Miscanthus x giganteus), що відбувся 19.06.17 у #ТНПУ.
welcome from the vice-rector prof. Bogdan Buyak
Welcome from the Dean prof. Nadiya Drobuk
Report of ass.prof. Stefanovska
Dessiminated workshop
Announcement of students competition by Vice-dean Dr.Andrij Hertz